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Thread: Karmapa's message: Preserving Himalayan Ecology

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    Default Karmapa's message: Preserving Himalayan Ecology

    The tibetan spiritual leader Karmapa has come out in support of preserving the Himalayan ecology.

    Preserving the Himalayan ecology is our Dharma: Karmapa
    By Nagender Ranta
    SHIMLA: The Tibetan spiritual leader the Karmapa Lama has said that serious efforts should be made to protect the environment of the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau as they are Asia’s water towers.

    He was speaking at the opening of a five-day Buddhist Conference to discuss biodiversity, climate change and natural disaster going on in Dharamshala.

    “We should all try our best to protect the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas and preserve these ecosystems. Preserving the biodiversity and the ecosystems of our region should be like the effortless practice of dharma for us. Our basic motivation to protect the environment should come from the pure desire to benefit all sentient beings on earth,” said the Tibetan spiritual leader the Gyalwang Karmapa Orgyen Trinley Dorje.

    This Buddhist Conference on environment is being organized by Rangjung Khoryug Sungkyob Tsokpa (RKST), an association of Buddhist monasteries working to protect the environment of the Himalayan region.

    Speaking on the ecological and geo-strategic importance of the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau, the Gyalwang Karmapa, who heads the RKST said both these regions are not only of great importance to the people of Tibet and the Himalayas but to the entire world since it is the main source of water for many Asian countries.

    Commending Gyalwang Karmapa for his efforts to mobilise public opinion on the environmental protection, Mr Penpa Tsering, speaker of the Tibetan Parliament urged the Buddhist monasteries to build bridges with everyone in and outside their societies to protect the environment.

    Over 60 representatives from 45 monasteries from across the Himalayas and South Asia are attending the conference. Representatives from Environmental Education, the Wildlife Trust of India, the World Wildlife Fund and the Environment and Development Desk from the Central Tibetan Administration are also taking part in the conference.

    Many of the monks and nuns expressed their experiences with drought, flash floods, and earthquakes, which have recently occurred in their regions. Providing practical training of what to do during a natural disaster and how to be resilient afterwards is of great benefit, they said.

    RKST consists of thirty-six monasteries across India, Nepal and Bhutan that are working together to help create an environmental awakening in the Himalayas about the importance of forest protection, water conservation, wildlife preservation, climate change adaptation and waste management.
    Source: Preserving the Himalayan ecology is our Dharma: Karmapa | Punjab News | Online News | Latest Breaking News | Punjab Newsline

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    Its nice to hear that the monks are getting into conservation too.

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    Default Dalai Lama's Message on Climate Change

    Now His Holiness the Dalai Lama has spoken about Climate change. He has urged Indians to support the preservation of Tibetan culture and environment in the interest of the entire Asia reports PTI.

    "The preservation of Tibetan culture is not only concerned with 6 million Tibetans, but it is in the larger interest of Central Asia, including China," Dalai Lama said at the inauguration ceremony of the Fourth All Tibetan Support Groups Conference.

    He said rivers originating from Tibet, the roof of the world, such as Brahmaputra are lifeline for people living in many Asian countries, including India.

    "So the Indians certainly have rights to raise their concerns on the preservation of Tibet's environment," he said.

    He showed concern over the destruction of natural environment, exploitation of mineral resources, and threat to wildlife animals on the Tibetan plateau.

    He said India is a living example of secular ethics and non-violence, which are relevant to the whole world.

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