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Thread: Population of Dolphins rising in Mahanadi river mouth and Gahiramatha

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    Default Population of Dolphins rising in Mahanadi river mouth and Gahiramatha

    Sharing a piece of news about Dolphins in Orissa.

    The Population of Dolphins rising in Mahanadi River mouth and Gahiramatha

    ASHIS SENAPATI, KENDRAPADA, DATE- 20.4.10 The numbers of endangered dolphins are rising in the Mahanadi river mouth areas near the port town Paradip and its nearby sea after the authority banned fishing from 1st, November to 31st, May in the Gahiramatha marine sanctuary in Kendrapada district to protect the endangered Olive Ridley sea turtles.Recently we witnessed more than four hundred dolphins in the Mahanadi river mouth, Gahiramatha marine sanctuary areas and other nearby areas during patrolling to protect turtles , said Sobhagya Sahoo the forest officer of Kujang forest range.

    Humpback and Bottle Nose river dolphins are now found in Mahanadi river mouth , Gahiramatha marine sanctuary ,Jatadhari river mouth and other areas. The dolphins are at the apex of the food chain in the sea . The number of dolphins are increasing in the river and the nearby sea is a positive sign of a protected river mouth and sea but if the number decreases, it is a negative sign of rampant fishing and increasing pollution, said Muntaz Khan a dolphin researcher of state forest department.Since more than six years , Muntaz Khan has been studying the dolphins in Chilika Lake, estuarine and coastal water of the state. The dolphins prefer deep waters, in and around the confluence of two or more rivers and sea. They share their habitat with, turtles and wetland birds. It has a sturdy, yet flexible, body with large flippers and a low triangular dorsal fin. It weighs up to 150 kg.Muntaz Khan also examined the behavior of living dolphins by carrying out marine surveys over the Chilika Lake and in the rivers, estuarine, of the state.

    According to Khan , most of the dolphins were observed around the boats: the chances of observing a school of dolphins near a boat or trawler is ten times higher than in the open sea. This is because the boat or trawler serves as a "feeding station" for the dolphins. They are able to enjoy schools of other types of fish that swim around the boat and trawler. "The problem is that this type of fishing endangers the dolphins. Some dolphins die each year off the coast having been mistakenly caught in trawling and other nets. Seeing as many studies have proven the high intelligence of the dolphin, it is clear that these mammals are aware of this danger, but are left with little choice due to their need to search for food around the trawlers or boats " Khan explains.

    The census of dolphin the first of its kind in the entire Orissa coastal water, estuaries, river mouths was conducted in 2006-07 . We found one gangtic river dolphin in Budhabalanga rivert , 35 irrawady dolphins in Bhitarkanika , 146 irrawaddy dolphins in Chilika during census. In Orissa water , we counted 700 Bottle Nose dolphins and 200 Hum Back dolphins .In Gahiramatha areas we counted 200 Hum Back 100 Bottle Nose dolphins three years back. Now the forest officials sighted more dolphins. The numbers of dolphins are increasing in Gahirmatha due to fishing ban for six months in a year, said Khan. (END)

    The source article can be found here:

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    That is most definitely an encouraging news. Hope the news is reinforced by proper action for their protection in these waters. These waters are as such very sensitive to ecological catastrophes due to a sunk ship and an oil leakage from another apart from an upcoming port.
    Bibhav Behera

  3. #3
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    Certainly good news. Good to know that the authorities are monitoring this. When was the 6months/yr fishing ban imposed? Was not aware of it.

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