View Full Version : Lioness 1

Anand Madabhushi
19-03-2012, 11:07 AM
Four days in Gir was splendid.

AV; 1/200; f5.6; ISO 400; 100-400@310

Saktipada Panigrahi
19-03-2012, 11:37 AM
Nice image.Fine details.Eyes are glittering.Hope you have photographed in standing position also.Thanks for sharing.SaktiWild

Anand Madabhushi
19-03-2012, 12:00 PM
I do have standing shots of male and female.

I was in the midst of a pride feasting ... witnessed squabbling among themselves; shooing away the crows venturing for a bite; roaring................all within the closest distance of 5feet to farther of 30 feet. Of course the trackers were close by. And two more gypsies.

This image was shot the next day. I guess she is one of the females in the pride I saw a day earlier.

Nice image.Fine details.Eyes are glittering.Hope you have photographed in standing position also.Thanks for sharing.SaktiWild

Murugan Anantharaman
19-03-2012, 01:08 PM
Lovely image Anand. The lioness looks regal. The eye contact is neat and her pose is relaxed. Maybe reducing the color temperature a little would enhance the image. Thanks for sharing.

Mrudul Godbole
19-03-2012, 01:20 PM
Lovely eye contact. Seems she was quite close. Was there one more lion on the right? Agree about the colour temperature. Good details. Thanks for sharing.

Anand Madabhushi
19-03-2012, 02:50 PM
Murugan and Mrudul.

This was shot in Auto WB and Neutral Picture Style with +1 exposure compensation. I corrected the WB to Shade and PS to Portrait. As the image was overexposed gave -1 in brightness adjustment in DPP of Canon in RAW. Converted and saved in Jpeg. Re-sized in Adobe Photoshop Elements.

Can you guide me in how I can reduce color temperature?



Lovely image Anand. The lioness looks regal. The eye contact is neat and her pose is relaxed. Maybe reducing the color temperature a little would enhance the image. Thanks for sharing.

Anand Madabhushi
19-03-2012, 02:58 PM

In my recent interaction with wildlife photographers I was advised to convert profile to SRGB IEC1996, so that the colors look more or less the same across the monitors and browsers. This I am told can be done in Photoshop CS5 that I plan to purchase. May be that would help. Thanks for your inputs.

Lovely image Anand. The lioness looks regal. The eye contact is neat and her pose is relaxed. Maybe reducing the color temperature a little would enhance the image. Thanks for sharing.

Anand Madabhushi
19-03-2012, 03:13 PM

There was one sleeping with its back. Three more joined. While two of them sat next to the one sleeping, the other moved a little further.

They were about 10-15 feet away at eye level on a mound.



Lovely eye contact. Seems she was quite close. Was there one more lion on the right? Agree about the colour temperature. Good details. Thanks for sharing.

Bhargava Srivari
19-03-2012, 05:27 PM

Nice to know that your trip to Gir paid off. Good eye contact. It would have been better to zoom out and get a wider composition. Agree that the color temperature needs to be reduced, and by quite a lot. Even after that, there may be a red tint that needs to be corrected.


Anand Madabhushi
19-03-2012, 08:35 PM
Bhargava garu

While you agree that the color temperature needs to be reduced, would you please look into this considering that I have detailed my post production process.

"Can you guide me in how I can reduce color temperature?" ------ posted by me in reply to similar observations. Let me also learn :001_smile:




Nice to know that your trip to Gir paid off. Good eye contact. It would have been better to zoom out and get a wider composition. Agree that the color temperature needs to be reduced, and by quite a lot. Even after that, there may be a red tint that needs to be corrected.


Bhargava Srivari
20-03-2012, 10:12 AM
Anand garu,

It will be my pleasure to be of any little help. In fact, I can share my full version of the PS CS5 with you if you want it that way, so that you need not purchase it :) Also, since we live in the same town and close by, it may be nice to sit together for some time and work on post processing images rather than communicating on the form that makes understanding things slightly more complicated.


Anand Madabhushi
20-03-2012, 01:28 PM
Bhargava garu

Thank you. I appreciate your offer to help and get in touch with you.


Anand garu,

It will be my pleasure to be of any little help. In fact, I can share my full version of the PS CS5 with you if you want it that way, so that you need not purchase it :) Also, since we live in the same town and close by, it may be nice to sit together for some time and work on post processing images rather than communicating on the form that makes understanding things slightly more complicated.


Sabyasachi Patra
20-03-2012, 04:21 PM
it may be nice to sit together for some time and work on post processing images rather than communicating on the form that makes understanding things slightly more complicated.


By the way, Adobe has already launched the Lightroom 4. It is Intuitive and you can see the workflow tips in the tips sections. You just need to move the slider a bit or select the correct white balance. Depends the method you use.

It is better if someone tries to explain it here in the forum. There will be two benefits.
1) The writing skills of budding experts will be polished.
2) There are other budding experts here to see and critique the thought process.
So win-win for all.


Murugan Anantharaman
20-03-2012, 10:13 PM
Anandji, the color temperature option is available as a slider in many photo editing software. I am not a pro and am just in the process of learning. I use a pretty basic editor- Picasa and sometimes photoshop, though i feel photoshop is still a bit too technical for me. Atleast in picasa there is an option to increase/decrease the color temperature with the help of a slider in the tuning tab. Not too sure how its done in your tool. But I guess you have got helping hands as soon as you asked for it :)

Anand Madabhushi
21-03-2012, 06:44 AM
Dear Patraji and friends,

Thank you all for your guidance. Here is the first revision.

WB changed from Shade to Daylight

PS retained at Portrait

The slider in Canon DPP moved -2.

Anandji, the color temperature option is available as a slider in many photo editing software. I am not a pro and am just in the process of learning. I use a pretty basic editor- Picasa and sometimes photoshop, though i feel photoshop is still a bit too technical for me. Atleast in picasa there is an option to increase/decrease the color temperature with the help of a slider in the tuning tab. Not too sure how its done in your tool. But I guess you have got helping hands as soon as you asked for it :)

Anand Madabhushi
21-03-2012, 06:46 AM
Dear All

Same as revision 1 except that the slider in Canon DPP was pulled a little further -2.

Looking forward to your feedback.

Thank you all.


Murugan Anantharaman
21-03-2012, 02:06 PM
Nice Anandji so you cracked it yourself, neat. I personally feel Revision 1 looks better. Waiting for others to comment. Thanks.

Bhargava Srivari
23-03-2012, 09:04 AM
I agree that the revised image 1 looks better, though the brightness can be pulled down still by a little.


Thanks for bringing up a valid point. I agree with you about discussing the processing algorithm on the forum.

I have not been able to get hold of Lightromm 4; I still use PS CS5 and Lightroom 3.4...In PS CS5, if you are opening a RAW image (one needs to have the adobe camera RAW downloaded; its free), the color tempeature can be tweaked either similar to in-camera settings (sunny, auto, cloudy etc..) or can be set to a specific temperature that suits the image. Along with this, there is a tint slider that can help in reducing any tint.
