View Full Version : My 1st. Tiger Image on Indiawilds

Saurabh Singh
16-02-2012, 12:41 AM
Male Tiger Head-on Corbett (Bijrani) C & C welcome

Nikon D7000
18-105 mm ( Kit Lens )
ISO 400
F/ 10
1/60 sec

Praveen Siddannavar
16-02-2012, 09:51 AM
Congratulations on your first ever tiger sighting, and seeing one in Corbett makes it even more special. Must have been quite a experience seeing him face to face. Well done!

Roopak Gangadharan
16-02-2012, 10:44 AM
Nice, the eye contact and head on walking pose make this image. Have the corners been darkened in PP or is it something else.


Mrudul Godbole
16-02-2012, 11:01 AM
Hi Saurabh,

Welcome to IndiaWilds..!!

Nice start with a first post of a Tiger. Good that you got it walking towards you. The pose and eye contact is good. The shutter speed was quite low, did you use a tripod or it was hand held? I would have preferred a wider aperture to get more shutter speed. You did any vignetting around the corners? Thanks for sharing.

Saktipada Panigrahi
16-02-2012, 07:04 PM
Congratulations.Good Corbett-habitat image.Photographing tiger in Corbett is a different experience.
The speciality of this snap,in my view, lies in the fact that the tiger has positioned its eyeballs slightly upwards without raising its head.
Thanks for sharing.SaktiWild

Suraj Sreedhar
16-02-2012, 09:54 PM
Congratulations,Nice start.Waiting for more images from you.

V S Sankar
18-02-2012, 08:51 AM
Fantastic shot with a 18-105mm lens.Nice beginning.Where you shooting using the gap on the grills of a jeep or van?


Bhargava Srivari
18-02-2012, 05:34 PM

Congratulations on your first tiger image here. Good that the tiger was walking towards you. Were you using a lens hood for this lens? I've heard from a few nikon users that lens hoods for the kit lens' can sometimes obstruct the corners in some situations.


Saurabh Singh
18-02-2012, 09:15 PM
Praveen Siddavanar: Thanks a lot Sir for kind Words.It was a wonderful moment .

Roopak Gangadharan: Thanks Sir , Yes the corners been darkened in PP .

Mrudul Godbole: Thanks for the appreciation mam. This shot is handheld, actualy got so excited & nervous that I forgot to check my aperture settings, later on realized that my settings were at F/10 :angry: .
yES corners are vignetted.

Saktipada Panigrahi: Really !! liked :001_smile:ur comment. Sir, u have an eye for detail.

Suraj Sreedhar: Thnks Suraj ,will post more soon

Bhargava Srivari : I am pleased to hear frm. u :001_smile: My nikon lens is JUST fine but I thought of some weird experiment by darkening corners....

VS Sankar: Thanks for ur kind words.No Sir, the corners have been darkened.

Sabyasachi Patra
19-02-2012, 11:50 AM
Nice image. With such a beautiful subject you don't need to vignette the corners. This technique is mostly used (and abused) by the wedding photographers. Once in a while it may work, however, better to avoid.

Looks like the tiger was close. How much crop here? The depth of field is nice. However, due to the vignetting of the corners, it is not much apparent. Thanks for sharing.
