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Suraj Sreedhar
01-01-2012, 09:36 AM
HAPPY NEW YEAR:thumbup1:
Gaur on a misty evening.
Bandipur National Park
Av f4.0
Expo Time 1/60s
Focal length 60mm.

Saktipada Panigrahi
01-01-2012, 11:16 AM

Nice habitat photo with clear dorsal ridge of the Male Gaur in its prime.Gaur is the tallest of all living oxen,and the second heaviest.Gaur attains best development in peninsular India in the lower slopes of Western Ghats and connected hill forest ranges.A big bull may stand over 6 ft.(Krishnan)(Prater gives average of 5ft.9in.)on the top of the dorsal ridge and weigh about a ton.Thanks for sharing.

Prashanth Gokul Dwarapu
01-01-2012, 02:20 PM
Saktipadaji, the Gaur is regarded to be the largest of all bovids. can you pls clarify your statement that it is the second heaviest.

And I wish all the members a Very Happy 2012

Saktipada Panigrahi
01-01-2012, 10:03 PM

M.Krishnan was awarded a Jawaharlal Nehru Fellowship in 1968 to study the status of India's wild animals which have suffered considerable depletion and change as a result of human encroachment on their habitat.His fascinating report,with superb photographs appeared as a series of articles in the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society.The abovenamed book was published by BHNS in 1975.He covered 35 Major Mammals of India.

I have written about Gaur from his study report.I am now quoting from his report on Wild Buffalo.

"Prater gives the size of a large bull at from 5ft.6in at the shoulders to 6ft.6in exceptionally:the later figure seems improbably tall,for the buffalo is an exceptionally massive animal,probably broader across the body than any other Indian mammal in proportion to height,and inclined to be squat rather than tall when very massive.The weight has been estimated at around a ton, for a big bull.
The Indian wild buffalo is the heaviest and most massive of all wild oxen,probably the fiercest when truly wild."-M.Krishnan

Some of the members who are fortunate to visit Manas Tiger Reserve upto early eighties have seen them.

Shri Sabyasachi, members and readers will be thrilled to know that The Statesman has decided to re-publish M.Krishnan's "Country Notebook" to evoke nostalgia among older readers and to acquaint younger ones with the work of a genious.The first installment of this re-issued series appears in 8th Day pages inThe Statesman dated 01-01-12.[May please see Announcement Column titled "New Arrival"]

Mrudul Godbole
02-01-2012, 10:55 AM
Happy New Year to ALL..!!

Surely a huge fellow. Seems the light was quite bad. The composition is nice.

Thanks to Saktipadaji for giving such detailed information.

Saktipada Panigrahi
02-01-2012, 11:46 AM
Small Change:P.S:01-01-2012:10.33 A.M.
I have posted details about re-print of "COUNTRY NOTEBOOK"- written by M.Krishnan in 'General Discussions' column as a continuation of the existing thread 'New Arrival- Books etc.' today(02-01-2012) morning.[Not in Announcement, etc. column on 01-01-2012 as earlier stated.]
I sincerely regret for the same.

Bhargava Srivari
03-01-2012, 04:13 PM

Wish you a very pleasant year ahead. This bull sure looks every bit huge! I am fine with the composition. At 60mm and 1/60sec, with some practice, it should be easy enough to get a sharp shot. In fact, a short while from now, you will be able to get reasonably sharp pictures at even 1/30 or 1/40sec at the longest end of your lens.
