View Full Version : Teamwork

Abhishek Jamalabad
30-07-2011, 12:18 PM
Weaver Ants Oecophylla smaragdina at work. Photographed in Avarsa, Karnataka.

Canon 500D, Canon 100mm Macro USM
Aperture-Priority AE
Tv 1/100
Av 6.3
ISO 1600
Hand held
Would have liked more DoF here... but had to use f6.3 to get a decent shutter speed, both for hand-holding and also to freeze some motion. Do you think I should reduce the brightness/highlights?

Thanks, C&C welcome.

Sabyasachi Patra
30-07-2011, 10:19 PM
Macro and capturing action is not an easy job. You are doing fine.

Tough to control these reflections. You need to isolate the area and click which is not always possible while trekking. I agree that a higher depth of filed would have been good, however you were already at ISO 1600.


Mrudul Godbole
30-07-2011, 10:21 PM
Oh nice to see the ants so closely. Since it is cropped, some more space at the bottom to include the legs in full would be good. Its good that you got the top one in focus. Agree more DOF would have been good. Wish the light was better. Thanks for sharing.

Atul Sinai
30-07-2011, 10:33 PM
Wonderful shot Abhishek, very good details. Good job handheld.



Abhishek Jamalabad
31-07-2011, 09:50 AM
Thanks all.
Mrudul: I had to crop from the left to remove an OOF branch (part of it is visible in the lower left corner). Cropped from the bottom accordingly to make the frame rectangular. Will check if any other crop works. I should have looked for a better angle while clicking :(.