View Full Version : A fancy looking Grasshopper

Thomas Jude
14-04-2011, 01:56 PM
Canon 450d
Tamron 70-300mm di ld macro
FL- 300mm

Mrudul Godbole
14-04-2011, 02:15 PM
Hello Thomas,

Welcome to IndiaWilds...!!

A colourful first post. Do post the EXIT details to help in commenting better. As the focus is on the body, a further narrower aperture would have helped to get the head in focus. A lower angle if possible would have enhanced the composition further. Thanks for sharing. Look forward to more.

Sabyasachi Patra
14-04-2011, 03:13 PM
Hi Thomas,
Welcome to IndiaWilds!

Sidelighting brings out form better. However, in macro when we are trying to bring out details, it becomes difficult if the lighting is from the side. Also, in this image the shadows of the other leaves are competing with the subject.

Having said that, one can also make the shadows work. In case the shadows falling on the leaf creates a pattern, then you can get an interesting image as well. As photographers, we have to isolate that portion of the beauty which our mind's eye is able to visualise and then create the image. Thanks for sharing. Look forward to more.
