View Full Version : Jungle cat

Vipin Sharma
14-05-2024, 08:30 PM
This is a cameratrap image of a jungle cat , a young male.
Villagers informed us a regular sighting of him in a private nursery where he used to mark his territory on to this tree trunk.

I set up the camera for a week in order to have a glimpse of this beauty. And finally on 4th day he triggered my camera at around 8pm ; and obliged me with some 20-25 images in all possible pose.

Canon 7D M II in silent mode , 02XSB-28 Nikon flashlight set at 1/8 & 1/16 intensity, 1/80 , ISO-800 , f/7.1 , Manual mode.

Jerin Dinesh
14-06-2024, 09:46 PM
Beautiful click boss.Keep going with your DSLR trap setup.

Sabyasachi Patra
14-06-2024, 11:21 PM
This is a very nice image. Characteristic markings on the flanks and tuft of hair on the tip of ears seen. The texture of the floor with fallen leaves and flowers is nice. Thanks for sharing.
