View Full Version : Elephant Family.....Kabini!

V S Sankar
30-12-2021, 08:50 AM
The adults were highly protective of the young one and they were cautious in the presence of us in the safari car.But I think Elephants are used to the safari vehicles.

Canon 80D,Canon 100-400 IS II SUM,e4.5,1/10,ISO 4000 at 100mm


V S Sankar

Mrudul Godbole
30-12-2021, 02:25 PM
The calf is surrounded by the elders from all sides. They are used to seeing gypsy vehicles being around, but still this might be thier inherent behaviour. Seems the light was quite low, bumping up the ISO further would have helped. Thanks for sharing.

Sabyasachi Patra
03-01-2022, 12:22 PM
Elephants have high situational awareness. They are intelligent and sentient beings. They know about these loud humans in noisy vehicles. In places where human-elephant conflict is prevalent, elephants are known to charge at vehicles. Same animal when it migrates to a peaceful place won't charge at people as the elephant would be much more calmer.

They take great care of their young ones. When a young one wanders a bit far off from the herd, immediately they are called back. Most of the times those calls are not audible to us we can hear below 20 Hz.

Shyamala Kumar
11-01-2022, 07:31 AM
The female seems to be protecting her young from prying curious eyed.The juxtaposition of elephant bodies is interesting . Thanks for sharing.