View Full Version : The zebra cricket

Prajwal J Ullal
13-02-2020, 09:32 PM
ID: Cricket

Spotted few of these along the small stream that flows through the trail, during the monsoon season. Though due to the overall dark colour, they seem to blend well in the darker parts of the trail, but at this particular moment, due to the bright stripes, it caught my attention and after a minute or so of struggle, eventually, managed to frame the beauty along with the stream water in the background. This particular one seemed to keep on creeping and hopping off the rocks, trying to stay as low as possible to avoid exposing itself to the predators.

Canon 80D
Canon 100mm macro
Shutterspeed 1/160
ISO 160
Handheld, External flash fired

Location: Nagla trail

Mrudul Godbole
14-02-2020, 11:11 AM
The black and white markings make it stand out, the 'zebra' name is apt :). I liked the low angle and also the way you have framed it with the stream in the background. The antennae is so long, can be difficult to get it in the frame :(. It being parallel to the sensor has helped to get its body in focus. Nicely captured. Thanks for sharing.

Sabyasachi Patra
16-06-2020, 09:28 AM
This one is lovely. The markings stand out clearly and is very interesting. The background looks like some stream. Less space at the top can be better. Thanks for sharing.
