View Full Version : Pay attention to "deer crossing"

Jerin Dinesh
25-11-2014, 07:31 PM
Hai friends...i am posting this click because few years back i was travelling to Bangalore via Bandipur that time what i saw that, a car driver making :angry: horn and driving with heavy rock music ,we can hear his music from far....but this click was from my last visit to Nagarhole....this driver behaved very well and obeyed the rules while driving through forest...Now a days i think almost all peoples love animals and obeying the forest rules...canon 600d,55-250mm,ISO 3200,ss 1/640,f5

Saktipada Panigrahi
26-11-2014, 11:10 AM
Nice sight of conflict of interest. Good write-up. Thanks for sharing.SaktiWild

P.S.: Has our friend Cobra reappeared before the young naturalist in you?

Mrudul Godbole
26-11-2014, 11:41 AM
Its good to hear that people are following the rules while driving through jungles. Nice mid air pose of the deer captured. Presently the focus is locked on the car in the background. If the deer had been in focus, that would have enhanced the composition further. Thanks for sharing.

Jerin Dinesh
28-11-2014, 08:55 PM
ha ha...sakti ji.no no...i didn't see the giant after that...but still waiting for a best click...

Jerin Dinesh
28-11-2014, 08:56 PM
Thanks Mrudul Godbole....agree with your comnds..

Sabyasachi Patra
29-11-2014, 11:50 AM
Animals have the first Right of Way. It becomes difficult for them to evade fast moving vehicles. When we drive fast, it also difficult for us to evade animals. Once while driving from Bhuj to GRK, I was driving fast on an empty road and suddenly a mongoose crossed infront. I had to brake to reduce the speed and the mongoose could cross. A bigger and slower animal suddenly crossing the road closer to the vehicle becomes a big problem. So when on forest roads, better to drive slowly.

Jerin Dinesh
02-12-2014, 09:25 PM
thanks for the cmmd sir...