View Full Version : Black Crowned Night Heron

Mashiur Rahman
12-03-2013, 12:06 AM
Body:- Canon 600D
Lens:- EF70-200 F/4 L IS USM
Mode:- Program AE
Focal Length:- 200mm
TV/SS:- 1/250
ISO:- 400
Flash:- Off
Image re-sized.

Saktipada Panigrahi
12-03-2013, 10:23 AM
Nice perch. Silky crest of long feathers looks fine. It has become rare in Kolkata.
Mashiur Bhai, good that you have posted Night Heron and Pond Heron simultaneously, very helpful for comparison.Thanks for sharing.SaktiWild

Vamshi Krishna Maringanti
12-03-2013, 11:45 AM
I love this bird!! Nice capture

I have seen this bird in a enclosure in Guindy National Park... its a beautiful bird... i felt pathetic seeing large birds like Pelicans, Painted Storks, Herons, Egrets all in one cage... unable to fly freely...

Are there any benefits from such kind of enclosures? Experts please comment :)

Mrudul Godbole
12-03-2013, 02:02 PM
Nice perch and good eye contact. Moving a bit more to the left would have possibly helped to get the full bill in clear (presently the tip is blocked by the branch). Nice clean background. Which white balance are you using? A more off-centered composition would enhance the image further. Thanks for sharing.

Vamshi, birds in enclosures, sounds like a zoo :(. I don't think there can be any benefits of having birds in cages. Only benefit can be for people to see. Is this a specific area in Guindy National Park where birds are put in cages?

Vamshi Krishna Maringanti
12-03-2013, 07:19 PM
@Mrudul, there is a children park adjacent to National park, they have an enclosure with all these birds and not neatly mantained, very less water and there were many birds :(

Sabyasachi Patra
12-03-2013, 10:46 PM
Nice to see a night heron. Like your previous image, this image too has a tint. Did you accidentally change your white balance settings in the camera?

The tip of the beak is hidden behind the branch. Moving a bit to the left would have helped in getting the complete beak. Thanks for sharing.


Mashiur Rahman
12-03-2013, 11:59 PM
Thanks all for the valuable inputs.

There was issues with my camera's white balance setting (:crying:). I have tried to fix the same through post-processing and am posting the image once again.

I will take utmost care in composing my subject as well as check my camera setting before going for a trip (:001_smile:).

Mrudul Godbole
13-03-2013, 09:14 AM
The repost looks better. Agree it is good to check the settings before going for a shoot.