View Full Version : "Artistic Attitude" - Short-toed Eagle

Balaji Loganathan
12-02-2013, 03:34 PM
This shot was made during the recent visit to kabini (the land of leopards!!!) we spotted this eagle on open cultivated plains of kabini while driving to Jungle Lodges & Resort.

Short- toed eagles can be recognized in the field by their predominantly white underside, the upper parts being greyish brown, brightly yellow eyes and lightly barred under wing. These eagle spend more time on the wing than do most members of its genus;

Its prey is mostly reptiles, mainly snakes, but also some lizards. Occasionally small mammals to the size of a rabbit too; rarely birds and large insects.

This eagle is generally very silent. On occasions it emits a variety of musical whistling notes. & can live up to 17 years.

Your comments/critics are welcome.

Location - Kabini | Karnataka | India
Gear used: Canon 40D | 100-400 L USM|
EXIF - Aperture - f5.6, Shutter speed - 1/1250 Sec, ISO - 400,Focal Length - 400 mm, White Balance - Manual, Handheld

Roopak Gangadharan
12-02-2013, 03:40 PM
Steep angle, you can post a larger image...


Saktipada Panigrahi
12-02-2013, 11:17 PM
Good image. Nice eye contact. It appears to me as Short-toed Snake Eagle (Short-toed Eagle)-Circaetus gallicus. I like the preamble.Thanks for sharing.SaktiWild

Balaji Loganathan
13-02-2013, 10:17 AM
many thanks for all your comments!!!

@Roopak - Sure will post a Large image soon

@Sakti - Thanks for you constant feedback/suggestion!!

Mrudul Godbole
13-02-2013, 10:26 AM
Nice sighting. The focus seems to be locked on the body, so the eye is not in critical focus. Do check the AF point. Using a narrower aperture would have helped. Wish the angle was less steep. Thanks for sharing the detailed information.

Balaji Loganathan
13-02-2013, 10:40 AM
@ Mrudul Godbole- thank you for your feedback & Comments here!!!

will surely take all your suggestions/inputs for scaling up my photography..

Sabyasachi Patra
15-02-2013, 12:16 PM
I agree with the previous comments. The sky appears to be very blue. Reducing the saturation will help.

@ sign infront of names makes it impersonal, as if a person is compared with inanimate objects. Not sure why @ sign is used by softwares these days for tagging. To my mind, and to lot of people that I have talked about it, the @ sign gives an impression of price as we have learnt during our college days. If we don't use the @ sign while speaking face to face or talking over phone, then why do we do it online? Best is to just use the name for addressing as wel do in real life.
