View Full Version : Leopard/Kabini

Praveen Siddannavar
27-11-2012, 08:03 PM
A leopard on a evening stroll at Nagarahole forest. This is first part of my story of two leopards, if you have missed it you can read & see it here.


Camera - Canon 1D Mark IV, Canon f4 500mm lens
EXIF - ISO 800 Av 4 Tv 1/320 sec, EC -0.3, cropped
Rajiv Gandhi National Park, Kabini

Mrudul Godbole
28-11-2012, 09:30 AM
Nice environment composition. The leopard on the curved road looks nice. Thanks for sharing.

Bhargava Srivari
28-11-2012, 02:07 PM
Very well done; an interesting composition. Coming to look at the picture again, I think moving the camera up so as to cut off space from the bottom (to also avoid the culvert/walls) would have helped. Also, this would have shown more at the front of the leopard and also the height of the trees in this area. I'm thinking that this is the kemmangundi road after hoskere junction.

P.S: I wish the next time you go to Kabini, you will the see the same leopard in the same area, albeit walking towards you. If that happens, please do make a similar habitat image :)

Saktipada Panigrahi
28-11-2012, 07:06 PM
Nice composition.The woods are lovely. The road with the bend and the solitary leopard slowly moving away signify that:
"We are all 'alone' in this world and path ahead is difficult for the leopard. And yet there is a hope (woods)". Thanks for sharing.SaktiWild

Praveen Siddannavar
28-11-2012, 07:33 PM
Thank you all for the comments and suggestions.

Bhargava, you don't have to wait for my next trip, I will fulfill your wish tomorrow by posting one more image:001_smile:, Stay tuned. And I agree about the crop but in my early days Mrudul always insisted that I do proportionate crop and I am always trying to keep it that way, sometimes I do open the lock of crop and use it when I need a pano crop.

Sabyasachi Patra
30-11-2012, 10:45 PM
Nice sighting. On first glance I hadn't noticed the culvert. Wish grass had overgrown it. We are used to the 35mm format and cropping anything other than the normal attracts attention. So unless the composition really demands a different aspect ratio, cropping just to remove unwanted elements doesn't really help.
