View Full Version : New bird found in India..

Mrudul Godbole
02-08-2012, 11:13 PM
New bird found in India - Discovery in Nicobar second since Independence
Thursday , August 2 , 2012

Calcutta, Aug. 1: Scientists from the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) have discovered a new bird on the Great Nicobar Island, the second report of a bird species previously unknown to science in independent India.

ZSI scientists S. Rajesh Kumar and C. Raghunathan spotted the species, named the Great Nicobar Crake, on the Great Nicobar island, the largest of a cluster of islands that make up India’s southernmost zone.

The discovery is published in a British scientific journal, BirdingASIA.

Eminent ornithologist P.C. Rasmussen, attached to the Michigan State University in the US and the Natural History Museum in the UK, has confirmed the new species, one of the two Indian scientists said.

“This is an extremely important discovery, the first (report of a new bird) by ZSI scientists since Independence,” K. Venkatraman, the director of ZSI, told The Telegraph.

Rajesh Kumar observed a single crake foraging for insects in the open for about 15 minutes on November 21, 2011, around 6am, two hours after dawn, at the Govind Nagar tsunami shelter on the east coast of the island, 6km from Campbell Bay.

“The bird was silent throughout the encounter (while the scientists were trying to photograph it), and when disturbed, ran away quickly up a steep slope and hid rather than taking flight,” the scientists wrote in their report.

The two scientists were on the island to develop an inventory of the fauna of the Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve (GNBR) under a Unesco programme with the support of the central environment and forests ministry.

“It was dense tropical evergreen forest and we had been camping there for quite some time. We could barely take a couple of photographs before it sped away with great speed. We never thought that it was a new species at that point of time and believed that it as a new record from the area,” Raghunathan said.

“However, once back in Port Blair, we checked all the available information and found that it was different from any known species in numerous aspects and represents a new species. Subsequently Rasmussen was consulted, who also confirmed the new species status,” added the scientist.

The scientists plan to return to the spot soon to collect a type specimen (normally a dead bird) once the rain stops in the area. Unless the type specimen is found, a bird cannot be named scientifically.

In 2006, an amateur bird watcher discovered a species, a kind of strikingly coloured babbler being named Bugun liocichla, from the remote parts of Arunachal Pradesh. Till now, that was the only new bird species finding in free India.

Manasi Chaphalkar
03-08-2012, 01:09 AM
Good information..thanks for sharing.

Manasi C

Saktipada Panigrahi
03-08-2012, 09:57 AM
Indeed a very good news.Sincerely hope that the numbers are still adequate for long term survival and steps for their protection and undisturbed breeding will be taken by Government and Indian Navy and locals be associated.
Thanks for sharing.SaktiWild

Abhishek Jamalabad
03-08-2012, 10:58 AM
Interesting news. Several members of the Rail & Crake family have lost the ability to fly after being marooned on small oceanic islands devoid of large ground predators. Perhaps this is one of those?
However, with the status of the bird barely known, the collection of a dead bird as a type specimen might not be advisable... The previous Indian discovery, the Bugun Liocichla, was scientifically described without a bird specimen being collected as its status was unconfirmed and believed to be rare. ZSI doesn't allow taxonomy of an animal without a type specimen; the problem was circumvented by capturing birds using mist-nets, carefully photographing them, making notes, and collecting feathers as type specimens (a suitable part of the animal may be treated as a type specimen). The birds were released.
It would be wiser to employ a similar technique in this case, in my opinion.

Sabyasachi Patra
04-08-2012, 12:38 PM
Nice to hear about this discovery. Salim Ali used to use Mist netting. However, it is not very good on the birds. Kailash Sankhala had opposed Salim Ali and had stopped mist netting and earned his wrath. :)

It is better to ensure proper documentation through filming and photography and undertake a survey to understand the population of this species.

Sucheth Lingachar
05-08-2012, 12:07 AM
Thanks for Sharing Mrudul... good Info..