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Tiger Archive

  • IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol.1 Issue VI Wildlife Management- Bandipur & other issues: What is the state of wildlife in this country? Is the forest department concerned? What is the focus of our forest department officials? These […]

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol.1 Issue VI

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol.1 Issue VI Wildlife Management- Bandipur & other issues: What is the state of wildlife in this country? Is the forest department concerned? What is the focus of our forest department officials? These […]

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  • IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol.1 Issue IV What Ails Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve? Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve with its more than 2 tigers per sq. km area of its tourism zone is a prime attraction for photographers and tourists […]

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol.1 Issue IV

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol.1 Issue IV What Ails Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve? Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve with its more than 2 tigers per sq. km area of its tourism zone is a prime attraction for photographers and tourists […]

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  • IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol.1 Issue III

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol.1 Issue III Tiger Translocation: Panacea of all ills? Sariska or rather the poaching of all the tigers from Sariska was a reflection of the sad state of our wildlife management in this […]

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  • Tigers in the Dark

    Tigers in the dark Its been three long years, since I had this amazing experience of wild india. It was the summer of 2005. Surjit called me to ask if I would be able […]

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  • Tourism: Boon or Bane Wildlife tourism is viewed as a mode of protecting our wildplaces. The monetary benefits accruing out of wildlife tourism is used to justify spending on creation and maintenance of wildlife sanctuaries […]

    Wildlife Tourism: Boon or Bane?

    Tourism: Boon or Bane Wildlife tourism is viewed as a mode of protecting our wildplaces. The monetary benefits accruing out of wildlife tourism is used to justify spending on creation and maintenance of wildlife sanctuaries […]

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  • When Wildife Hits Back

    When the Wildlife Hits Back: Tales from the Land of the Tiger On two occasions I had been charged by a tiger. When people hear this, the immediate reaction is Wow. Immediately, they feel jealous. […]

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  • A Night in Similipal National Park If I have to account for my earliest experience with the Tiger, I would have to go back to Similipal National Park in the state of Orissa, India. Recalling […]

    A Night in Similipal National Park

    A Night in Similipal National Park If I have to account for my earliest experience with the Tiger, I would have to go back to Similipal National Park in the state of Orissa, India. Recalling […]

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  •   Spotting wildlife IT MUST HAVE BEEN LUCK !!??  I have often come across people, who after viewing my photographs or listening to my experiences of seeing the tiger in its true habitat, exclaim that […]


      Spotting wildlife IT MUST HAVE BEEN LUCK !!??  I have often come across people, who after viewing my photographs or listening to my experiences of seeing the tiger in its true habitat, exclaim that […]

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