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endangered Archive

  • Endangered Wild Buffalo of Kaziranga One of the most endangered wild animals in Kaziranga is the Wild Buffalo. Growing upto 1200 kgs, they roam free in the 430 square kilometer area of the Kaziranga National […]

    Endangered Wild Buffalo of Kaziranga

    Endangered Wild Buffalo of Kaziranga One of the most endangered wild animals in Kaziranga is the Wild Buffalo. Growing upto 1200 kgs, they roam free in the 430 square kilometer area of the Kaziranga National […]

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  • IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 10 Issue XII ISSN 2394 – 6946 Download the full Newsletter PDF by clicking the below button – Trishanku: Indian Elephant nowhere to go When will we be ashamed of our actions? […]

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 10 Issue XII

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 10 Issue XII ISSN 2394 – 6946 Download the full Newsletter PDF by clicking the below button – Trishanku: Indian Elephant nowhere to go When will we be ashamed of our actions? […]

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  • IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 9 Issue VIII Download the full Newsletter PDF by clicking the below button – Conservation: Tree Plantation & Economics India with a population of 130 crores (1.3 billion) is bursting at its […]

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 9 Issue VIII

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 9 Issue VIII Download the full Newsletter PDF by clicking the below button – Conservation: Tree Plantation & Economics India with a population of 130 crores (1.3 billion) is bursting at its […]

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  • IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 6 Issue XI

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 6 Issue XI Protecting Indias Wilds:When will it get our attention? We often get aghast when there is a news of a large seizure of tiger or leopard skins, claws and bones. […]

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  • IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 6 Issue IX CSR to Save Wild India A few years ago realising the need to have an inviolate core area, a scheme was started to compensate families 10lakh rupees each to […]

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 6 Issue IX

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 6 Issue IX CSR to Save Wild India A few years ago realising the need to have an inviolate core area, a scheme was started to compensate families 10lakh rupees each to […]

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  • The Last Wave An Island Novel by Pankaj Sekhsaria Harish, the protagonist in this novel, while trying to pick up the threads from a broken marriage and learn to give a new meaning to life […]

    The Last Wave

    The Last Wave An Island Novel by Pankaj Sekhsaria Harish, the protagonist in this novel, while trying to pick up the threads from a broken marriage and learn to give a new meaning to life […]

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  • Golden Heritage on the Thin Red Line! India is bestowed with rich flora and fauna and is considered among the 12 Mega Bio-Diversity countries of the world. Out of the 25 bio-diversity hotspots in the […]

    Golden Heritage on the Thin Red Line!

    Golden Heritage on the Thin Red Line! India is bestowed with rich flora and fauna and is considered among the 12 Mega Bio-Diversity countries of the world. Out of the 25 bio-diversity hotspots in the […]

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  • Wild India – ‘A Call in the Rainforest’   A Call in the Rainforest is now available for viewing online. In an effort to spread the message about the plight of the Lion-tailed Macaques, I […]

    Wild India – ‘A Call in the Rainforest’

    Wild India – ‘A Call in the Rainforest’   A Call in the Rainforest is now available for viewing online. In an effort to spread the message about the plight of the Lion-tailed Macaques, I […]

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  • Nominated for Special Awards in Wildlife Vaasa Festival 2012, Finland

    Nominated for Special Awards in Wildlife Vaasa Festival 2012, Finland It is a real pleasure to share with you that my wildlife documentary film “A Call in the Rainforest” has been nominated for Special Awards […]

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  • Three Idiot’s Effect: Assisting Wildlife Filmmaker So you are a fresh out of some film school or a photographer with a dream in your heart. You have won a competition or two or have a […]

    The “Three Idiots” Effect

    Three Idiot’s Effect: Assisting Wildlife Filmmaker So you are a fresh out of some film school or a photographer with a dream in your heart. You have won a competition or two or have a […]

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