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Billy Arjan Singh Archive

  • IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 7 Issue IX Amend Arms Act for Air Guns   The Home Ministry of India is trying to amend the Arms Act 1959 and Arms Rules 1962 to increase the FDI (Foreign […]

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 7 Issue IX

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 7 Issue IX Amend Arms Act for Air Guns   The Home Ministry of India is trying to amend the Arms Act 1959 and Arms Rules 1962 to increase the FDI (Foreign […]

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  • IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 5 Issue IX Big Hairy Audacious Goal to Save the Tiger The Project Tiger was started when across India hunters were indiscriminately shooting down tigers. This hunting pressure was tremendously increased by […]

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 5 Issue IX

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 5 Issue IX Big Hairy Audacious Goal to Save the Tiger The Project Tiger was started when across India hunters were indiscriminately shooting down tigers. This hunting pressure was tremendously increased by […]

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  • Legalise War on Wildlife?  The Homo sapiens are at war with wildlife. Earlier it was a covert operation where by large dams, canals, power projects, roads, cities etc were built after clearing wildlife habitat. There […]

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 4 Issue IV

    Legalise War on Wildlife?  The Homo sapiens are at war with wildlife. Earlier it was a covert operation where by large dams, canals, power projects, roads, cities etc were built after clearing wildlife habitat. There […]

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