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  •  Environmental Impact of Night Race in Formula 1 I am a big fan of Formula 1. Every day, I search all the websites reporting Formula 1 info. The disappearance of Narain Karthikeyan from the starting […]

    Environmental Impact of Night Race in Formula 1

     Environmental Impact of Night Race in Formula 1 I am a big fan of Formula 1. Every day, I search all the websites reporting Formula 1 info. The disappearance of Narain Karthikeyan from the starting […]

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  • Segur Road Couple of years back, I was in Masinagudi for the first time. I was driving on the segur road. Dusk was fast approaching and I was looking for a cup of hot tea […]

    Segur Road

    Segur Road Couple of years back, I was in Masinagudi for the first time. I was driving on the segur road. Dusk was fast approaching and I was looking for a cup of hot tea […]

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  • Right of Way

    Right of Way Roads have been the bane of most of our wild areas. Some of the pristine wildlife habitats have been dissected by roads. In the early part of the 21st Century, the […]

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  • When Wildife Hits Back

    When the Wildlife Hits Back: Tales from the Land of the Tiger On two occasions I had been charged by a tiger. When people hear this, the immediate reaction is Wow. Immediately, they feel jealous. […]

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  • Impact of Plastics on wild animals

    Impact of Plastics on wild animals Plastics are not only harming humans and degrading the environment, but there is a big impact of plastics on wild animals. I would like to share the following account […]

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  • Sunabeda – Tiger Census

    Sunabeda – Tiger Census January 2006 I woke up abruptly, on the incessant barking of the dogs. I fumbled across the bed for my watch; it was five in the morning and about an hour […]

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  • Religion Vs Environment The festival season is upon us. Millions of Indians, from all walks of life, participate in these festivals. In Bengal and Odisha, Durga puja is celebrated in a grand scale. Similarly anyone […]

    Religion Vs Environment

    Religion Vs Environment The festival season is upon us. Millions of Indians, from all walks of life, participate in these festivals. In Bengal and Odisha, Durga puja is celebrated in a grand scale. Similarly anyone […]

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  • A Night in Similipal National Park If I have to account for my earliest experience with the Tiger, I would have to go back to Similipal National Park in the state of Orissa, India. Recalling […]

    A Night in Similipal National Park

    A Night in Similipal National Park If I have to account for my earliest experience with the Tiger, I would have to go back to Similipal National Park in the state of Orissa, India. Recalling […]

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  • Murder on the Road

    Murder on the Road I love driving. A broken leg didn’t dim my enthusiasm for driving fast; rather it shifted my preferences from motorbikes to cars. Off late, the Chennai roads and the driving habits […]

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  •   Spotting wildlife IT MUST HAVE BEEN LUCK !!??  I have often come across people, who after viewing my photographs or listening to my experiences of seeing the tiger in its true habitat, exclaim that […]


      Spotting wildlife IT MUST HAVE BEEN LUCK !!??  I have often come across people, who after viewing my photographs or listening to my experiences of seeing the tiger in its true habitat, exclaim that […]

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