Journey to Good Health

Journey to Good Health

While filming and roaming around in the wilds, I have realized that it is important to be healthy. Else, in crunch situations your body won’t be ready for the challenge. Apart from regular excercises, it is important to cleanse your body of toxins by consuming organic juices. Many of you have been messaging me asking for tips to detox body, so I am sharing a few links that has helped me in the past. I have tested the popular brands and am suggesting only the ones I find are good.

Giloy juice with Neem and Tulsi

The delta variant of the Covid resulted in blood sugar of people shooting up to around 300 levels. Consuming Giloy with neem and tulsi juice regularly helps. At least consume it in the morning in empty stomach. One can also take twice a day. It has helped me. I am still consuming it.


According to Ayurveda, If Giloy creeper grows over Neem tree then it becomes more effective. However, not always we get this. Fortunately, now one can buy it. Kapiva is the first brand to sell juice of Giloy which grows on Neem. Drink it to reduce viral infections, improve immunity, improved digestion and it also results in good quality skin. The below link is of such a Giloy grown on Neem with added tulsi (basil). Sharing the link to buy two bottles as it is more cost effective.


Amla Juice:

Also another after effect of Covid Pandemic is that your body immunity goes down and you lose a lot of vitality and there is lot of hair fall. Consuming Amla juice in empty stomach at least in the morning helps. One can take twice a day as well. I prefer to buy in 1 liter bottles so as to reduce unnecessary plastic bottle disposal.

Amla+Giloy combo

Acidity: Amla & Aloe vera

Several years ago, I had severe acidity. So for few months I took Amla juice and Aloevera juice in empty stomach. It really cleansed my system and helped contain the acidity.

The below link of Kapiva is of amla and aloe vera juice mix. You can use it as well.


Camel Milk:

While shooting for my documentary Discovering Rann, I also found that drinking camel milk helps a lot in containing diabetes as well as acidity. Since many of you can’t get it, the best alternative is to use the above juices. Having seen many near and dear ones suffer and pass away, I feel it is important to urge you all to take care of your health.

In addition to the above if you can meditate and engage in mantra healing or any form of energy healing then it would be even better.



One problem people face during Covid is hair fall. I found this Onion Black seed Hair oil to be good in reducing hair fall and regenerating new hair.

Do let me know in the comments below, your queries as well as what has helped you.

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