IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol.1 Issue III

IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol.1 Issue III

Tiger Translocation: Panacea of all ills?

Sariska or rather the poaching of all the tigers from Sariska was a reflection of the sad state of our wildlife management in this country. I would have been happy if the Sariska episode would have been a one off affair. The condemnation from one and all forced constitution our Hon’ble PM to order constitution of a Task Force. The constitution of the task force left much to be desired. It was a case of Noble intent but flawed execution.

A tiger translocation project was conceived to bring back tigers to Sariska. The project objectives were met when the first tiger from Ranthambhore was relocated to Sariska.

Collared tigress in Ranthambhore

Collared tigress in Ranthambhore

Unfortunately, the powers at the helm of affairs started reading too much into the Sariska tiger relocation project and believe that this is a solution to all the problems of all our National parks. As a consequence, a tigress has been relocated from Bandhavgarh National Park to Panna without the close consultation with NTCA (National Tiger Conservation Authority) and tiger experts.

As we are all aware, Panna has now lost its tigers to poaching. This has been helped by the presence of villages inside the park, as was the case in Sariska. The problem was compounded by the repeated denials issued by the Park authorities. Instead of looking for a solution to the systemic problems of poaching, lack of inviolate spaces, lack of protection etc the authorities have resorted to relocate tigers.

This brings a question to my mind. When will we understand the true value of the wealth we have – the value of our wilderness areas and of our wildlife. As a human being we understand the value of our limbs and protect them knowing that our limbs can’t be replaced. Similarly, if we would have understood the value of our wealth that Nature has bestowed upon us, then we would have taken adequate steps to preserve it. Relocating a tiger from one National Park to the other proves that we haven’t learn’t our lessons. Unless there is a thorough revamp of the Wildlife Management in India (not just renaming of Indian Forest Service or MoEF), the future won’t be rosy.

As concerned individuals please spend a few minutes to write to the Hon’ble PM of India at

IndiaWilds forums updates:
IndiaWilds while taking its first baby steps has successfully completed three months. We have since added more sections, articles, photographs and ofcourse more of interactions. Here’s a small sample to tease your taste buds.

The Human Animal conlicts can be traced back to many of our thoughtless actions of the past. Unfortunately, we continue to get better with each passing day. Mistakes give way to blunders. It appears to be a never ending journey. An informative article on Elephants of North Bengal can be read by clicking on the following link:

Wilderness Updates:
We invite our members to write updates on the health of our various National Parks, Sanctuaries, and Protected Areas. Your reports would help in educating others and strengthening the conservation movement.

The link to the Wilderness Updates category is as follows:

Who’s Who:
We have introduced a Who’s Who section. Members are requested to introduce themselves by starting a thread along with their photo. This will help us recognise each other in the field as well. The link to this forum is as follows:

Photography Tips and Equipment Discussions:
I have tried to put together photography tips based on my nearly two decades of photography experience. You will find lot of tips and discussions that would not only help an amateur but is also likely to help in clarifying doubts of advanced photographers as well. The link to this section is as follows:

One needs to log in to access the above section. Registration is free.

Wildlife Photography:
A few links to some of the interesting threads in the wildlife section
Details of a Sambar’s sore spot and discussions on it:

Elephant mother and calf bonding:

Sensuous Nature: An abstract art

Crested Serpent Eagle in Flight:

An Olive Ridley nesting shot that was part of our campaign:

I look forward to your suggestions and feedback on the Newsletter.

Sabyasachi Patra

(This newsletter was circulated in March 2009)

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