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About Author: Sabyasachi Patra

Sabyasachi is an award winning Cinematographer and shoots for international broadcasters, production houses and corporates to make a living. He is a passionate filmmaker/wildlife photographer and has won awards and accolades for his documentary 'A Call in the Rainforest' and "Discovering Rann". He has been striving to make his films and photographs full of life and emotion and writing articles to educate and evangelise the need for conserving the last tracts of vanishing wilderness and wildlife in our country. He hopes that his wildlife films, photographs and writings force people to pause, look, ponder and ultimately take action. Sabyasachi is available for Hire as a DP for shoots any where in India.

Posts by Sabyasachi Patra

  • A Date with Lion- tailed Macaques I have been longing to renew my acquaintance with the Lion tailed macaques for some time. However, due to work pressure I was postponing my visits. Finally, I could […]

    A date with Lion Tailed Macaques

    A Date with Lion- tailed Macaques I have been longing to renew my acquaintance with the Lion tailed macaques for some time. However, due to work pressure I was postponing my visits. Finally, I could […]

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  • IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue I This issue of IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue I examines issues surrounding some of our often ignored but highly fragile Shola forests. You can post your comments below. Save […]

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue I

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue I This issue of IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 3 Issue I examines issues surrounding some of our often ignored but highly fragile Shola forests. You can post your comments below. Save […]

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  • IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 2 Issue XII This issue of IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 2 Issue XII marks the completion of two years of existence of IndiaWilds as a Conservation and Wildlife Photography forum. In this issue […]

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 2 Issue XII

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 2 Issue XII This issue of IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 2 Issue XII marks the completion of two years of existence of IndiaWilds as a Conservation and Wildlife Photography forum. In this issue […]

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  • IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 2 Issue XI This issue of the IndiaWilds Newsletter brings into focus our approach towards poisoning our wilderness areas, fresh water sources with pesticides, allowing use of pesticides that have been banned […]

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 2 Issue XI

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol. 2 Issue XI This issue of the IndiaWilds Newsletter brings into focus our approach towards poisoning our wilderness areas, fresh water sources with pesticides, allowing use of pesticides that have been banned […]

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  • Wild India: Keoladeo Ghana National Park – No more Ghana Keoladeo Ghana National Park is perhaps one place in Wild India which was created by man for the shooting pleasure of the Maharaja. So the […]

    Keoladeo Ghana National Park – no more Ghana

    Wild India: Keoladeo Ghana National Park – No more Ghana Keoladeo Ghana National Park is perhaps one place in Wild India which was created by man for the shooting pleasure of the Maharaja. So the […]

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  • IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol 2 Issue X This issue of the IndiaWilds Newsletter brings into focus our skewed sense of priorities in conserving a few mega fauna; baiting wildlife, feral dogs menace and many more. Skewed […]

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol 2 Issue X

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol 2 Issue X This issue of the IndiaWilds Newsletter brings into focus our skewed sense of priorities in conserving a few mega fauna; baiting wildlife, feral dogs menace and many more. Skewed […]

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  • Ethics in Nature Photography Today I am recalling an incident that had a huge impact on me and that shaped my views on Ethics in Nature and wildlife photography. It was a cold morning in […]

    Ethics in Nature Photography

    Ethics in Nature Photography Today I am recalling an incident that had a huge impact on me and that shaped my views on Ethics in Nature and wildlife photography. It was a cold morning in […]

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  • IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol 2 Issue IX It is my pleasure to bring you the IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol.2 Issue IX. In this issue we use the mantra for success and examine who is and can be […]

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol 2 Issue IX

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol 2 Issue IX It is my pleasure to bring you the IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol.2 Issue IX. In this issue we use the mantra for success and examine who is and can be […]

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  • Democracy, Activism and the Power of “WE” Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg address had eloquently outlined the principles on which the edifice of a democracy is built “all men are created equal.and that Government of […]

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol 2 Issue VIII

    Democracy, Activism and the Power of “WE” Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg address had eloquently outlined the principles on which the edifice of a democracy is built “all men are created equal.and that Government of […]

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  • IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol 2 Issue VII It is my pleasure to bring you the IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol.2 Issue VII. This issue examines the impact of various infrastructure projects on environment and a way forward. The […]

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol.2 Issue VII

    IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol 2 Issue VII It is my pleasure to bring you the IndiaWilds Newsletter Vol.2 Issue VII. This issue examines the impact of various infrastructure projects on environment and a way forward. The […]

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